What is Broadband? Broadband in details

Broadband is the transmission of wide bandwidth data over a high speed internet connection.Broadband can be broken down into several categories. Broad-band includes cable and DSL.Cable is cable, which can travel over the public streets. DSL is DSL, the same as cable but with amuch lower speed. The speed and capabilities of broadband connections vary considerablyby provider and by region . Cable and Dsl : Cable andDSL, BroadBand, Cable TV * Cable: is usuallyused to access the internet on your home computer or other device. It allows you to stream internetcontent to your computer . DSLP is used when you want to download videos or music and has ahigher download speed than cable. *: DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) is typically used in large citiesto provide high-speed internet service. Most DSL users have a computer and a modem. However,there are also many people who use DSL to connect to the network directly,to enjoy the benefits of cable service without having to pay for the cable modem or to make theircomputer connect through a cable-mod em.

Cable modem: A modem that connects your cable TV to an internet-capable computer. A cableprovider connects the broadband connection directly to you. You do not need a separate modemto receive the high speeds. Other modem types include the DSL modem, cable internet modem (CIM) and copper-to-digital (CTD) modem. * . CIM: The type of modem used for your Internet serviceprovider, often the modem on the box. Sometimes called modem rental.

There are two types of Cim: Cable-Modem-Based: Cables with the Cable Modem,CMC, are a newer type that is more efficient and is designed to match the speeds of DSL connections.They also have the advantage of being more stable and reliable. One advantage is that you can getthe highest speeds from a single cable connection, up to 10 Mbit . Cable: a broadband service thatuses coaxial cable to carry the data. This service can offer download speeds up from 4 Mbs to 1 Gbit.Using coax is an easy way to get broadband access. Coax is also used where coax isn't available,like in rural areas .

DSL: In the US, this is often called a telephone service, which includes a line or a number of linesconnecting a central office to your house or office. It uses a connection that has many differentwires to send and receive data at high rates. Although DSL is considered broadband, most DSLconnections are low-bandwidth. Also, DSL does not use the same wire for every data stream.

In most cases, the different lines will carry different streams and your phone company will needto use different cables to attach to each line. An alternative to DSL in the UK is called E-Connect ,an acronym for Enhanced Capability. E*Connector: When your ISP wants to get you online, it mustmake a copy of your computer's operating system and install software on it, allowing it tocommunicate with your modem and modem-box. They will also likely ask you to install applications like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator. This ensures that your data can flow seamlessly over theinternet. Broadband: This is generally a service or data connection where the speed of datatransmission is higher than DSL, as they are both connection-based.

Most providers have access to this kind of service .

The speed varies by speed. (1Gbps = 10 megabits per second, 2G = 100 megabytes per seconds,3G= 1000 megabit persecond, 4G (which is being rolled out) = 1,000 megbaud).

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